Engaging with Scripture is essential to spiritual growth. Listening is an effective means of Scripture engagement for people in general, and especially for the majority of people around the world who are oral learners. For this reason, Audio Bibles are a great way to hear what God has to say.
This May Be a Good Tool For Your Community If:
If there is a Bible translation that has been checked and approved by a translation consultant—a portion of the Bible, New Testament or Old Testament—and if the community is interested in having that translation recorded in audio, then FCBH is often ready to help with the recording.
Website: Faith Comes by Hearing
How This Works
Scripture recording options:
- Multiple-Voice Recordings: Uses 11 or more speakers for the various character roles.
- Single-Voice Recordings: Uses one speaker for the entire recording.
- Multiple-Narrator Recordings: Uses different speakers to read entire books.
- Background Music & Sound Effects: Add drama and life to a Scripture recording. Both of these are optional and can be considered on a project-by-project basis.
- Custom Music: Provided by the local community, this may be incorporated in the final mix instead of the standard music track.
- Pre-Print Recordings: It is possible to start recording after consultant approval is obtained but before the translation is set to print. Portions, New Testaments, & Old Testaments can be considered for recording.
Finer Details
Scripture recording methods:
- Field Recordings: A two-person recording team is equipped and sent into the region where the language is spoken.
- Virtual Recording®: A web-based recording tool, which accommodates recording in any internet- accessible location.
- Joint Recordings: Utilize the respective strengths of both Faith Comes By Hearing and the partner(s) to contribute to the various elements of the recording process.
- HearThis: An offline recording tool that connects to Paratext (translation software) and is great for translation checking.
- Partner Recordings: Recording is done completely by other ministries. Faith Comes By Hearing is often able to assist with final editing and mastering.
All recordings can be included in the Digital Bible Platform for distribution on smartphone apps, web streaming and download, podcasts, internet radio, etc.
As the need for Audio Bibles continues to grow and advancements in technology allow us to respond to these needs, Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) offers a variety of strategies designed to serve your context.
What challenges or difficulties are there using this resource?
- Lack of smartphones/older versions of smartphones.
- Lack of free space in potential user’s smartphone to install this app.
- Inadequate distribution strategy.
- Lack of text permissions from the copyright holders making popular versions unavailable to the community.
- Culturally offensive or no contextualization of apps.
- Lack of app promotions and marketing, distributions – making the end users unaware about the app.
- Distractions which discourage user engagement.
How To Get Started
FCBH would love to talk to you. Dialogue between field partners and FCBH is the best way to determine the most appropriate recording method. FCBH would love to speak with you about the method that will work best for your community!
To request a recording project, fill out this form.