Submit Tool

We are always on the lookout for good Scripture Engagement tools that can be used in other situations. Before you submit your tool, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • In what situations would it be helpful? There are two extremes to avoid. Tools should have a broad application. Would this tool be helpful in a wide variety of contexts? Of course It can have a regional flavour or focus. If it is helpful only for a single people group, then maybe it may not be such a good idea to share that tool on this site. However, if you think it would work everywhere then maybe it lacks focus. Can you think of any places where it would not work? For example if a good story based on Scripture assumes the existence of God, then it might not be good for audiences who need to think about whether God even exists or not. If it portrays Jesus as a joyful man expressing affection, then this is not a problem for most Western audiences but some might find it a barrier to the message.
  • Your tool should not be too sectarian or denominationally biased. This is made clear in the terms and conditions which you will assent to in the process.
  • Your tool should have quite a large scripture content and be translatable if it is that kind of tool. If you have a product that is already translated and you want to promote it, there are other sites that do that. An article on helpful sites is coming soon.
  • You can also submit descriptions of things such as software and technology that you want people to know about.

When you are ready please contact us using the contact form and we will send a questionnaire. Unfortunately we cannot put the questionnaire on the website directly as it is being filled out by robots.