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Jesus Messiah Picture Book

Jesus Messiah is the name of a graphic novel of the life of Jesus, the Messiah. The book includes 34 Gospel stories that were selected to stress the importance of Jesus’ life, his wisdom, his power over evil and death, his miracles, and his interaction with people. The book shows Jesus as a historic figure. The book ends with an emphasis on the importance of being part of a group of local believers.

This May Be a Good Tool For Your Community If:

  • If the people in your community are new readers, the book may help them.
  • If people like to go through a picture-story.
  • If the Gospels have been translated in the language(s) of your community.
  • Or if there are people in the community who can get together to translate this book from a major language in your area or country.


Finer Details

Financial cost: The copyright owner does not charge a fee, but there will be the cost of printing in your area.

Translation Method: The translation can be based on the English picture book edition or on a translation of Jesus Messiah in a major language in your area. The text is very close to Scripture but not verbatim verses of Scripture.

Scripture stories included: John’s baptism, Jesus temptation/tempted, Water into wine, First disciples, Paralytic forgiven healed, Jesus calms the storm. Jesus feeds 5000, Miracles, Jesus the Messiah, Lepers healed, Jesus anointed, Lazarus raised, Judas betrays, The Last Supper, Jesus arrested, Jesus crucified, The resurrection, Appearances of Jesus.

Scriptures used or referenced: Matthew 3, Matthew 4,  Matthew 5, Matthew 8, Matthew 9, Matthew 16, Matthew 19, Luke 17, Luke 19, Mark 5, Luke 5, Luke 6 John 3, John 11, John 12, Luke 19, Matthew 26, John 13, John 14, John 18, Matthew 27, John 19, Isaiah 53, Matthew 27, Luke 23, Mark 16, John 20, Matthew 28, Luke 24, John 21.

What personnel are needed to bring this resource to fruition, (make the resource available in another language)?

1 translation team, 1 local coordinator with good English and computer skills, and all the people who will work with distribution and teaching from the picture book.

What kind of technical expertise is needed to adapt this resource to your situation?

The process of exchanging the revised text is done in MS Excel.

How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?

An experienced translator or a small team can translate the book in a few weeks.

What challenges or difficulties are there using this resource?

Because this is a picture book with speech bubbles, it may be a little labour intensive to have the translation fit the bubble, the space for the text. Also, if you do not have access to a graphics program such as InDesign, you will will need to find a way to do the required computer-based design work. However, the people behind Jesus Messiah Picture Book will be happy to advise you.

How To Get Started

Visit our website to learn more.

Distribution Methods

There are a number of ways to distribute the finished product, and it would be good to make a plan before the project starts. Distribution of hardcopies need to be shipped by truck or boat. Local bookstores or churches can be used for distribution. Digital distribution can be done with your own website, your own Google PlayStore app, or a video YouTube channel.

Distribution can also be done through bookstores, evangelists, home churches, Sunday schools, your organization’s website or, Google Playstore apps in your own google account and/or YouTube.