The LUMO Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, John—were filmed in Morocco. They are a very authentic visual and artistic representation of the Holy Land of 2,000 years ago. The single narration format allows one voice to read the Gospel in any language. Anyone, anywhere in the world can fully experience their translation of Scripture overlaying the stunningly visual representations of the life of Christ set against the backdrop of an authentic rendition of first century Palestine. This film can be viewed in its entirety or one story segment at a time. It is useful for Bible teaching, discussion groups, and evangelism.
This May Be a Good Tool For Your Community If:
If some or all of the Gospels have already been translated into the language that your community would like to have the videos, choose which Gospel you would like to do first.
These videos are a powerful visual and audio media for those who are oral preference communicators. The voiceover lets the viewer focus on the gospel text while the background images act as a visual commentary and explanation that illustrate and reinforce the text while staying detached from it
Please note there are two different partnership routes that you may choose to take. Both IMS (international Media Services) and FCBH (Faith Comes by Hearing) have agreements in place with LUMO films, and they differ in some respects.
How This Works
Due to copyright issues, each video project needs to be initiated and approved by the IMS Project Coordinator. (See email contact under ‘Other’ when signed in). In considering a video for your language program, we suggest first evaluating the material to see if it fits with the target culture. A cultural evaluation/script preparation video (CESP) may be requested from IMS to determine if this is a good tool for your community. It is essential that you read through the IMS Shell Video Manual.
Thanks to the generosity and partnership of the LUMO Project, Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) has been blessed to be able to combine our catalogue of audio Scriptures with the dynamic LUMO films to create the Gospel Films. The FCBH team is now in the process of producing the Gospel Films with footage they have received, and their library is rapidly growing.
Finer Details
Financial cost: There is a standard IMS fee of $500.00.
Translation method: Upon approval of the IMS Project Coordinator, the required IMS script with time codes matching the video will be released. A translator and/or consultant must be present when the video is being dubbed.
What personnel are needed to bring this resource to fruition, (make the resource available in another language)?
Along with the recording team (1-2 people) the video requires the voice of only one man or woman.
What kind of technical expertise is needed to adapt this resource to your situation?
Requires a certified IMS specialist. (See email contact under ‘Other’ when signed in).
How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?
This video takes approximately 10 – 15 working days to dub.
What sort of logistical setting is needed? (e.g. quiet space for recording, good Internet access)
Requires a recording studio or location that can be modified for recording.
How long does it typically take to watch, read or otherwise engage?
The Lumo Gospel videos are 2 to 3 hours in length.
What challenges or difficulties are there using this resource?
IMS has a website page which answers most of the questions about videos in the vernacular.
Other Details:
Single voice narration version only.
Audio only version option:
It is permissible to use the audio recording of the script, with or without the music and effects as a stand-alone product.
The most common way to use the Gospel Films is in viewing groups. Each group watches a selection of several chapters at a time and then discuss what they have seen and heard. Another approach is to show the film in large gatherings such as a church. After one of these events, a facilitator can ask questions so the audience becomes engaged or the large group can break into smaller groups for discussion.
How To Get Started
Due to copyright issues, each video project needs to be initiated and approved by the IMS Project Coordinator. A Cultural Evaluation and Script Preparation video of this video is available to view by contacting the IMS Project Coordinator.
Go to the IMS webpage for this product.
If you would like to learn more about Gospel Films or use them in your ministry, please contact the person below from your region. Look under the heading ‘Other’ (after signing in with your email address and password). Or contact FCBH.
Distribution Methods
IMS and FCBH are both happy to help you explore distribution options suitable for engaging the particular Scripture access needs of the language group you serve. They can help direct you to resources for your project or help you acquire specific items such as SD cards loaded with media data in your language, audio Bible players, solar battery packages, and/or portable projection devices.