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This website contains Story Notes for Bible storytellers and their trainers, developed by and for trainers and consultants for Bible storytellers in South Asia.


Financial cost: Free

Scripture stories included: Beginning Creation, Sin Death, Cain Abel, Noah escapes flood, Babel Languages, Job Suffers, Abraham Covenant, Sodom Gomorrah, Abraham and Isaac, Israel Slaves in Egypt, Young Moses, Moses Called, Moses and the King/Pharaoh, Egypt Punished (Plagues), Israel Exits Egypt, Moses on Mt. Sinai, Israelites in the desert, Gold Calf Idol, Ten Commands, Worship Tent / Tabernacle, Moses and the Bronze Serpent, Baalam, Moses’ Last Days, Ruth’s Loyalty, God chooses David, David kills Goliath, David rules justly (Mephibosheth), Tamar is Raped, Elijah and the widow, Elijah confronts Baal, Elijah and Elisha, Elisha’s miracles, Elisha raises a dead boy, Naaman, Daniel’s wisdom, Delivered through Fire, Babylon Destroyed, Daniel delivered from Lions, Esther’s Courage, Suffering servant, Gabriel appears to Mary, Jesus Born, Star Studiers find Jesus, Young Jesus, John Prepares People, Jesus tempted, Jesus through Jordan, First Disciples, First Miracle at a Wedding, Woman at the Well, Leper Healed, Jesus heals many, Paralytic Forgiven Healed, The disciples’ prayer, Jesus and Widow of Nain, Jesus’ Kingdom Teaching (on Mt.), Greatness in the kingdom, Parable about the Sower, kingdom Parables, Jesus calms the storm, Jesus feeds 5000, Jesus’ Power, Demonized Man Freed, Jairus and Bleeding Woman, Teachings of Jesus, Five Bread multiplied, The lost sheep, Water Walk, Who Am I?, Jesus shines (transfigured), Parable about Forgiveness, Mary anoints Jesus, Martha and Mary, Blind man healed, Good Samaritan, Demonized boy healed, Lost Sons, Lazarus raised, Ten Lepers One Grateful, Two Men Pray, Lazarus and the rich man, Rich Young Leader, Jesus Teaching Disciples, Bartimaeus and Zaccheaus, Vineyard parable, Jesus arrested, Peter denies Jesus, Jews accuse Jesus, Jesus before Pilate, Jesus Killed, Jesus Lives Resurrected, The Great Commission, The Ascension, Holy Spirit comes – Pentecost, Crippled Beggar healed, Ananias Sapphira Lie, Persecution starts, Stephen killed, Ethiopian eunuch baptized, Saul sees Jesus, Peter heals two, Peter serves, Paul’s First Journey, Paul’s Second Journey, Paul in Athens, Paul in Ephesus, Paul to Jerusalem, Paul Arrested

What personnel are needed to bring this resource to fruition, (make the resource available in another language)?

someone who is competent in English, can translate, and ideally someone who already understands Bible Storying.

What kind of technical expertise is needed to adapt this resource to your situation?

The site presupposes understanding of Bible storytelling. People can translate a Story Note, or part of it, in other languages. The translators would need experience in crafting natural stories in order to craft the model stories that are part of each Story Note.

How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?

Completely depends on how much people want to translate or use.

What sort of logistical setting is needed? (e.g. quiet space for recording, good Internet access)

Nothing. Though it is entirely possible for people to translate the material orally and record it.

what audiences would this tool NOT work for? 

If there is no one who can read and understand the English. Unfortunately, even though ultimately we cater for oral people, the resource is not completely oral.

How long does it typically take to watch, read or otherwise engage?

Completely depends. This site is a growing collection of ‘Story Notes’. People can use as much or as little as they want. But to read and understand one individual story note, maybe 1 hour.

What level of help is available?

Basic – i.e. provide materials and instructions

What particular themes are included that might be a ‘bridge’ to a target audience?

Shame/honor culture, Fear/power culture, deliverance from Satan, God’s victory over evil

Unique Characteristics

This material can be used to give oral Bible training to an oral audience. People who go through a set of stories will gain a lot of Bible knowledge and understanding. We see this as participating in an oral Bible school.