Need help deciding what to do? Visit the Journey for videos and ideas to help you narrow down your choices. enables you to link all available Scripture and Scripture-based resources in your language in one easy-to-access location. It helps you with an incremental or “publish early, publish often” approach to your work. It also serves as an online channel for Scripture distribution. In just 3 simple clicks anyone can find your language, see what Scripture is available in what formats, and download or access the resources they want. There is no cost involved in uploading on this site, and contributors are not required to have technological expertise. currently houses Scripture and Scripture-based products in over 2300 languages. That number is growing daily.


This May Be a Good Tool For Your Community If:

  • You are looking for a way to house all Scripture in the same place so that there is only one site people need to remember. Links can be made to materials housed on other sites (for example FCBH Audio, App Store, printed Scripture for sale, etc.)
  • You don’t want Scripture to be lost due to a technology failure.
  • You don’t have the technological expertise or time to manage a website.
  • You would like an easy way to access Scripture. It’s only three clicks to what you want: country, language, and resources.
  • You want to be able to quickly add or update resources as soon as they are available.
  • You want a free way to store and distribute Scripture.
  • Your community speaks one of the 5 languages that the Interface is currently available in: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch.
  • You want a trusted site that is being used around the world by over 2300 languages.
  • Members of your community have immigrated to other cities or countries but still need or want access to Scripture in their language.
  • You want to make it easy for non-speakers of your language to become part of distributing Scripture in your language.

How This Works

It is simple to get Scripture posted or linked to this site. Just send the PDFs, ParaText files, audio, video, links, or apps of Scriptures to the ScriptureEarth administrator, who will then handle the rest of the process. It usually takes less than a week to get something posted, once files and permissions have been submitted. It is important to make sure that the files being sent have the proper permissions needed for posting. If the copyright is held by a different organization than the one requesting the service, permission will need to be granted before posting. This can take more or less time depending on the situation.

Finer Details

What challenges or difficulties are there using this resource?

There are communities in the world who do not want people outside their language group to have access to their language in written or audio form. This site would not be the place for them to house their Scriptures since it is completely public.

How To Get Started

You can contact ScriptureEarth through their Feedback page.

Distribution Methods

This is a distribution platform. It can easily be promoted through Facebook or other social media platforms. Much investigation is going on regarding how to promote Scripture on the site through Facebook ad campaigns.