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International Media Ministries

We have short spots for social media use to longer Bible programs to programs about early Christian martyrs. We partner with other ministries for distribution and translation into other languages. What we create is based on what people are asking for or have asked for.


Financial cost: It depends on the video and community. It is usually a case by case decision

What personnel are needed to bring this resource to fruition, (make the resource available in another language)?

Trained translator, Voice actor(s), Distributor, We would need someone to translate the script into the language and be the voice of the narrator. We need people to then distribute in and follow up with anyone who has questions. A media expert and computer user would be good, but sometimes we can help with that.

What kind of technical expertise is needed to adapt this resource to your situation?

If they have someone who can record and edit, that is good. If not, we can see how we can help. We really need to know if they can distribute it and follow up in the language.

How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?

Again it depends on who it is we’re working with. There are some that have taken several months and some that have taken over a year.

What sort of logistical setting is needed? (e.g. quiet space for recording, good Internet access)

They would need to be able to distribute it. If they have a place to record and have good internet access it is a plus. If not we can see what we can work out.

How long does it typically take to watch, read or otherwise engage?

Depends on the show. Anywhere from 1 minute to 45 minutes.

What level of help is available?

Intermediate – access to ongoing help

What particular themes are included that might be a ‘bridge’ to a target audience?

We create a piece for an audience but then it gets translated into other languages and reaches other people.

Unique Characteristics

IMM has a variety of different programs that we have made easier to translate into another language. In several programs, we use a narrator and man on camera so not as much has to be translated.