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The Story of Jesus for Children

The Story of Jesus for Children

The Story of Jesus for Children is set in the first century in the land of Israel during the days of Jesus’ life and ministry. A group of children meet together to talk about what they’ve seen and heard about Jesus. Some believe Jesus is the Son of God, but others think Jesus may just be tricking the people. The children follow Jesus around, witness His miracles, and listen to Him teach. Jesus raises a girl from the dead, calls imperfect people like tax collectors to follow Him, teaches everyone to be kind and gracious to each other, and lets a woman wash His feet with tears.

This May Be a Good Tool For Your Community If:

You are looking for a way to reach children in your community in an engaging way.


How This Works

It is based on the JESUS Film but it is written from the vantage point of children.

Finer Details

It is currently available in 172 languages.

How To Get Started

The Story of Jesus for Children is available in 172 languages, so likely also in a major language spoken in your country. That may help you with translating and dubbing this video.

Please, contact the Jesus Film Project for more information about how to best use The Story of Jesus for Children or how to translate this video into the language(s) of your community.

Distribution Methods

It can be posted online, distributed on DVD, or shown locally.