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Weavers is a participatory training for conversational Scripture engagement in personal evangelism and personal discipleship.


Finer Details

Financial cost: Materials are free but are only available to trainees since the emphasis is on the experience of training and being a practitioner, and materials are just one component of supporting that experience.

What personnel are needed to bring this resource to fruition, (make the resource available in another language)?

Trained translator, oral translator

What kind of technical expertise is needed to adapt this resource to your situation?

The Scripture passages which are utilized have to be available.

How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?

If the Scriptures and recovery songs are already available, then the prep time is simply leadership training. Leaders who train others need to already be practitioners.

What sort of logistical setting is needed? (e.g. quiet space for recording, good Internet access)

Meeting place for training sessions, but beyond that there are no special needs.

What challenges or difficulties are there using this resource?

Overcoming the common tendency in the Church to lecture or to make bullet point presentations, rather than to have conversations in evangelism and discipleship that are timely and immediately relevant to the other person.

What level of help is available?

Advanced – a ministry could be there to support you with workers and partnership.

Unique Characteristics

Rather than focusing on Bible story crafting or Bible storytelling, the Weavers approach to personal evangelism and discipleship focuses on equipping people for conversations which leads to exploring together Bible passages that are timely and immediately relevant to the participants.