The Digital Bible Library (DBL) is an online digital asset and licensing management platform developed and maintained by the United Bible Societies. It is the platform that Wycliffe Organizations use to share Scripture text and audio with external ministry partners. DBL gathers, validates, and safeguards a large collection of quality, standardized, digital Scripture texts in hundreds of languages — all contributed by a growing number of partnering translation agencies.
In this way, DBL seeks to empower others to reach people from every tribe, in every nation, with the power of God’s Word in their heart language.
Website: …https://thedigitalbiblelibrary.org/
How This Works
Our simple form guides you through the process. If you are a Wycliffe Organization, and have a Scripture text that has been approved for publishing, all we need is for you to complete the form and do a Send/Receive in Paratext.
Finer Details
Financial cost: …Free
What personnel are needed to bring this resource to fruition, (make the resource available in another language)?
Trained translator, Translation Consultant, competent computer user
How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?
Once at least one book of the Bible has been consultant approved for publishing, it can be added to the DBL.
What sort of logistical setting is needed? (e.g. quiet space for recording, good Internet access)
good Internet access
What challenges or difficulties are there using this resource?
Our simple form guides you through the process. If you are a Wycliffe Organization, and have a Scripture text that has been approved for publishing, all we need is for you to complete the form and do a Send/Receive in Paratext.
What level of help is available?
Intermediate – access to ongoing help