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The Book of Ruth

The Book of Ruth Bible story video template includes over 80 beautifully rendered images provided by Berg Productions Inc. capturing the beauty of the Holy Land while telling the captivating story of Ruth and Boaz. The Scripture paints a picture of tragedy and sorrow turned to love and redemption through this story of the ancestry of King David of Israel. Images, music and narration can be crafted by the user in their own language using our PhotoStory 3 template.

Website: The Book of Ruth

Finer Details

Financial cost: Free

Translation method: Translate and record the text from the script. The text from the script is not straight Scripture but is descriptive. It is also possible to use the actual text of the book of Ruth.

What kind of technical expertise is needed to adapt this resource to your situation?

Knowledge of MS Windows as well as PhotoStory 3 software or another slideshow to video software (iMovie, Movie Studio, Photostage, etc.). The templates are in PhotoStory 3 format. A Windows computer and microphone is needed along with PhotoStory 3. PhotoStory 3 can be downloaded without cost from the IMS website or from Microsoft.

How much time is required to do all the work required to bring the resource to completion?

The production of all the videos may take a month.

How To Get Started

Go to the IMS web page for this product.

If you need advice or help, you can go to the IMS Contact page.

You will need to submit a usage application form for access to the script, photos and music. Please complete the online application form.  Here is the link to submit for usage of the images: Ruth Images

Distribution Methods

Distribution can be accomplished through a personal computer or cell phone. Once the product is in video form, it can be distributed digitally using a variety of methods common to computer and cell phone data distribution.