Scripture Impact Framework (replaces PAP) | a simple but effective tool for facilitating a participatory planning process in a team. |
Bible stock media | Attribution-free video backgrounds, images and music to make your own scripture based product. |
Tetelestai: The Eternal Story of Redemption | T11 video sessions reveal God’s Divine Plot from the Garden of Eden to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The videos are accompanied with step-by-step instructions for each episode through the Study Guides, enabling you to confidently do a personal study or lead a group through the Tetelestai series. |
Al Massira Film Series | A 13 part docu film series walking with the prophets from Adam to meet Jesus the Messiah. Including small group questions and notes. |
HearThis | Using HearThis, communities record and distribute their translated Scripture themselves, making Audio Scripture available in their own languages, without waiting until technicians can come to run recording sessions. |
Alpha Tiles | Alpha Tiles is a literacy games app for Android devices which can easily be localized into different languages. No translation is involved: each language team can provide a unique list of words with corresponding audio and images. | | Pokali is an audio story designed to give the listener a foundation of the message of the Bible. The audio story is designed to reach indigenous people in South- Middle- America in their environment and in their culture. |
Training for Translators Videos | Training new teams of national Bible translators is critical in order to provide God’s Word in the heart language of every tribe and every nation. The Training for Translators Videos provide training on good translation procedures, principles, and practice for producing a high-quality translation of the Scriptures. |
Freedom Ascent | Freedom Ascent is a long-term Scripture-centric experience for recovery support groups large and small in which the participants want to intentionally address their addictions, dysfunctional habits and vulnerabilities in a safe mini-community of recovery. |
Weavers | Weavers is a participatory training for conversational Scripture engagement in personal evangelism and personal discipleship. |
The Prodigal | The 37 Stories project’s goal is to animate all thirty-seven parables of Jesus found in the New Testament. |
which wifi mediabox? | This is a dynamically changing area with new products. is a helpful article written a few years ago. |
Super Bible | We have the most complete graphic adaptation of Scripture ever done as well as animated versions. Translators are welcome to contact us directly if they would like to translate for their language. |
Bible Karaoke: produce read-along videos of Scripture text | Bible Karaoke produces a read-along MP4 video of Paratext Scripture text and audio from HearThis. The resulting video can be customized in a few different ways. The video can be used for literacy and Scripture engagement purposes. We plan to support SAB projects as Scripture audio input in 2022. |
99 Names of Allah in the Bible | This app displays the Beautiful Names of God in Arabic calligraphyalong with audio narration and captivating nature images. |
Arabic Bible calligraphy for Muslims | Many Christians are looking for ice-breakers to talk about their faith with Muslim neighbors and friends. One way is to share elegant calligraphy Bible verses in Arabic from a translation understandable for those with little familiarity with church terminology. |
Wisdom of the Prophet Sulaiman | This could be a great gift for a Muslim friend or neighbor, and a great place to start reading Scripture together! |
La Sabiduría del Profeta Sulaiman | This could be a great gift for a Muslim friend or neighbor, and a great place to start reading Scripture together! |
True Meaning Arabic – Chanted | chanted selections of the True Meaning Arabic version in rhymed form, chanted by a gifted vocalist. The passages have been especially chosen to be relevant to the felt needs and interests of non-Christian Arabic speakers. |
Digital Bible Library (DBL) | The Digital Bible Library (DBL) is an online digital asset and licensing management platform developed and maintained by the United Bible Societies. |
Bible-based Trauma Healing | In this program, church leaders and lay people are equipped to care for those with deep emotional and spiritual injuries caused by violence, abuse, conflict, forced migration, or natural disasters. |
AniMissions Online Workshop | A four-week workshop (two hours per week) to introduce the concepts of using simple 2D animation in reaching the unreached on social media. |
International Media Ministries resources | We have short spots for social media use to longer Bible programs to programs about early Christian martyrs. We partner with other ministries for distribution and translation into other languages. What we create is based on what people are asking for or have asked for. |
The Strengthening Christian Families Program International | Strengthening Communities and Families (The Strengthening Christian Families Program International) is an evidence and Scripture-based curriculum for the whole family designed to help strengthen family relationships and build resilience in children. |
“The Covenant” | The Covenant is a transformative 90-minute biblical film that delves deep into the Old Testament. The stories are told through the eyes of Ezra and bring to light the narratives of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, and more in an unparalleled visual journey. |
OBT&T (Oral Bible Translation & Transcription) | A method of Bible translation suitable mainly for oral communities (though anyone will have benefit) where the community themselves provides the translation team, so have ownership of the project and the products. |
TheWell Systems | TheWell Systems is a digital eco-system designed to deliver media and training resources in offline contexts. |
EasyEnglish Bible | Bible translation for people who are learning English or speak English as an other lamguage |
Galcom Compass Radio/Audio Player | This is Galcom’s newest FM radio/audio Bible: the Compass. |
Galcom Streamer | The Galcom Streamer is a ready to use solution allowing broadcasters to stream online without any software setup or programming needed. |
Galcom OmniStation Self-Contained Radio Station | The OmniStation is an all-in-one solution made specifically for emergency broadcasting. In less than an hour, this microphone-to-antenna solution can be on the air. |
The Bible Well | The Bible Well app is a dynamic platform offering a rich and flowing collection of multilingual, multi-modal Bible resources and related biblical materials. |
Aquifer | Bible Aquifer is an innovative platform, designed as a set of APIs, that allows developers to seamlessly integrate high-quality biblical and translation resources into their own apps. |
Training Minds | “Training Minds” is an English translation of a course that has been training Bible translators, pastors, chiefs and ordinary men and women in Vanuatu in the skills necessary for Right Thinking in all areas of life. |
Keyman | Keyman software helps you type in over 2000 languages on just about any device. The software and keyboards are free and open-source |
Notes4stories | Story Notes for Bible storytellers and their trainers, developed by and for trainers and consultants for Bible storytellers in South Asia. |
Waha | Free discipleship and evangelism app with high level of support for addition of languages | | Christian audio and video in 7,000 language varieties |